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at the store prior to photo sessions. 

Ready for a fright? Come through our corn maze on these spooky nights!

Scary Maze

​Since 2015 Britt's has been proud to offer the Scary Maze in conjunction with the KSU chapter of Theta Xi fraternity. These young men work with us to raise money for their various philanthropies. In 2018, they were able to raise $2,500 for Habitat for Humanity through their efforts with their partnership with us.

You'll ride a freakish hayride and jump in the maze as you attempt to make your way through it in the dark with Britt's staff 'assisting' you along the way.  

The fun Zone and pumpkin patch is not open or included during scary maze dates and hours

The scary maze and hayride is not gory, rather our goal is to startle and scare you. There may be loud noises and strobe lights and you may be touched. Please resist the urge to take a swing at our staff, they are just doing their job to give you the best experience possible!

2024 Scary Maze dates: october 19 & 26  7-9 pm

Our 2024 Scary Maze dates are October 19th and 26th, 7 pm until 9 pm. 

Admission is $15.00 per person

Included in season pass 
Combination tickets for the same day admission is $30.00 for the Fun Zone and scary maze.

We do not have an age requirement for the scary maze. You know your child and what they can handle.  For your own enjoyment, and the the enjoyment of others, we do not recommend very young children go through the scary maze.

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