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Easy Acorn Squash

Helpful hint: you can cook these in the microwave and place butter and brown sugar on at the end if you are short on time! We substitute sprinkled cinnamon for brown sugar most of the time. 

     Cut 1 acorn squash in half

     Clean out the seed cavity by scraping with a spoon

     Bake face down in a oven at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until it begins to soften.

    Put 1/2 Tbsp butter and 1 Tbsp brown sugar in center of each half

    Place back in oven face up, cover with foil

    Cook for an additional 30 minutes.  

 For something different, place 1 piece of raw bacon in the center of each squash instead of butter or some cooked ground beef or sausage.   

Stuffed Sweet Banana Peppers

   Cut tops off several sweet peppers and shake the seeds out.

   Stuff raw ground meat into each one.

   Wrap bacon around them. 

   Bake in  a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes

Madison's Stuffed Summer Bell peppers

   Madison loves to put this together and cook it on the grill on a warm summer evening.

Recipe is per person.        

      1/2 Bell pepper, seeded and kept as a whole half (Red, Orange or Green are delicious)

      1/8 Onion, left in long strips or diced

      1/8 of a medium diced homegrown Tomato

       2-3 oz cream cheese

       Bacon pieces, crumbled (Optional)

       Squeeze of fresh lime juice

       Dash of salt and pepper

Place all ingredients inside the 1/2 bell pepper. 

Wrap in foil and place on the grill for 20 minutes or    

until peppers are tender and cream cheese is melted.     


Angie's Winter Squash Soup

    Thick and rich, this is a great way to fill a family on a budget.  The flavor improves the longer it simmers and is great rewarmed. I have substituted a couple potatoes and turnips for the pumpkin but my family prefers the pumpkin.

    Cut and clean out cavities of 1 pie pumpkin and 1 butternut squash.  Chop and boil until soft, 20-30 min. Allow to cool then pull skins off.  Puree Squash until smooth.

   Meanwhile, in large pot saute 1/2 onion and 3 cloves of garlic in 2 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp olive oil.  Cook for 3 minutes or until translucent. Add 2 cups of chicken stalk, 1 tbsp dried basil, 

1tsp. ground sage, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp salt and 1 stick cream cheese. Allow to come to a simmer, whisking cream cheese as it melts to combine. 

   Slowly add liquid to squash to your desired consistency.  Season with salt and pepper. Simmer until ready to serve.

You can add milk, more chicken stock or water if it's too thick.     

Hobo supper

   We love to toss this together and throw it on the grill

   alongside a steak or burgers.        

      1 Zucchini (or 1/2 zucchini, 1/2 yellow squash)

      1 Onion, quartered

      1 Oriental eggplant

      1 Clove garlic, minced

   Chop up zucchini and eggplant. Toss in olive oil,  

   course salt, freshly ground pepper and fresh basil and rosemary.

   Wrap in foil and place on the grill for 20 minutes or until tender.     


Strawberry Cucumber Salad

   This recipe is light and refreshing. You can omit    

   the almonds if you don't have them on hand. 

   I love to throw this over lettuce for lunch.   

Tai fried cabbage and eggplant  

This recipe is easy to throw together and the flavors are different from what I tend to use.

I really appreciated the flavor that the lime gave it.

I omitted the chilis because I was serving it to children.


Along with the love of growing, the love of cooking what we grow is a huge passion for us.   

Here are some fun recipe ideas from our kitchen and the kitchens of our customers to assist you in your search for the best meals! 

Want to try a new vegetable and need a recipe or cooking suggestion? Ask us! We're happy to help!

Favorite recipes

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